"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament" - Oscar Wilde

"The most noble sense of all is sight" - Albrecht Dürer

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Art Students League

So the ASL's policy does not allow its students to use cameras inside the building. You can't photograph during class which is understandable; we have to respect the privacy of the models, however some of the works inside the Red Dot exhibit are phenomenal and I would LOVE to share them with you (if anyone actually reads this blog ;)) They were all done by the students of various departments at the League and they're really worth seeing. I love going to see those exhibits during my break because they're so inspirational and motivate me to work harder so I can eventually get where THEY are. If you would like to check any of them out here's a link to the Art Students League's exhibit section (they're all free of charge and open to everyone)


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